Minna no Nihongo VS Genki: which Japanese language textbooks should I choose?

It's the question on every Japanese Language student's mind: what is the best Japanese language textbook for me? There are plenty of Japanese school books out there. If you're asking yourself this question, you're very likely studying by yourself because no series has been imposed on you. The choice of the textbook you are going to use is crucial, especially if you are self-studying.
We are going to compare two very popular series: Minna no Nihongo and Genki.
What is Minna no Nihongo?
Minna no Nihongo is one of the most famous Japanese language book series. It is published by Three A Network (which also publishes the New Kanzen Master book series among others) and it is widely used in Japanese language schools here in Japan. If you study in a language school in Japan, you will very likely be using this series, and for good reason.
The series is divided into two levels, Shokyu (Beginner) and Chukyu (Intermediate). Each level is then divided into two further sub-levels with their associated textbooks and workbooks, Shokyu 1 & Shokyu 2 and Chukyu 1 & Chukyu 2.
What is Genki?
Genki is the other Japanese language book series that makes every student doubt which one they should go with. It is also widely used in university courses and Japanese language schools.
Subtitled 'An Integrated Course in Elementary Japanese', it is published by The Japan Times and features 2 volumes for their Shokyu (Beginner) level. A third volume in the series for the Chukyu (Intermediate) level goes by the name An Integrated Approach to Intermediate Japanese without bearing the name Genki.
We will focus on the Shokyu level for both series in this review.
Both series feature a main textbook (Honsatsu, 本冊) with lessons and a workbook(s). The structure of the textbook is fairly similar for both series: we follow the adventures of a foreigner learning Japanese in Japan. In Minna no Nihongo, Miller-san works for a Japanese company (and is featured in its own dedicated novel) while in Genki, Mary is a university exchange student. They're not just Japanese grammar books: each lesson features a situation with a dialogue that makes you go through new grammar points, vocabulary, and kanji while practicing reading and listening comprehension and doing some writing as well. Both textbooks are about the same size, but across their 2 volumes for beginner level, Genki is composed of 23 lessons while Minna no Nihongo features 50 lessons.
Although the overall structure is very similar for both series, one of the main differences for the textbooks is that the instructions are given in English for Genki while there is no English featured in the main textbook for Minna no Nihongo (the translation can be found in a separate workbook). Genki also tends to feature more images in its textbook compared to Minna no Nihongo.
In that sense, Genki is more adapted to beginners who want to self-study while Minna no Nihongo is more immersive from the start and requires more from the learners. We recommend Genki if you're planning to self-study, but Minna No Nihongo is a more thorough book and works well in a classroom setting
Even though the textbooks feature numerous practical exercises, buying the workbooks is necessary for both series to study efficiently. And that's where the biggest difference lies between the two series.
There are up to 8 different workbooks for Minna no Nihongo and an additional textbook focusing on Kanji characters only.
- Basic Workbook
- Sentence Pattern Workbook
- Kanji Textbook
- Kanji Workbook
- Translation and Grammar Notes
- Reading Comprehension Texts Workbook
- Listening Comprehension Tasks Workbook
- Basic Writing Practice Workbook
- 5 CD Sets
We have two versions discounted bundles of Minna No Nihongo books:
The Minna No Nihongo 5 book essential set (Save 10%)
The Minna No Nihongo 9 book complete set (Save 15%)
On the other hand, Genki features only one workbook per textbook and one Answer Key volume for both textbooks. For those worrying about Kanji character study, there is an appendix at the end of both main textbooks that focus on Kanji.
Again, Genki is more concise while the Minna no Nihongo series offers you a whole variety of materials to study, practice, and specialize.
Self Studying
Now that we have reviewed all of the components for both series, we are left with our initial question: which one is the best for self-studying?
- First and foremost, it is important to specify you should at least have learned some basic Japanese before using both books. Although both books have a section dedicated to Hiragana and Katakana in their introduction, those two syllabaries should have been mastered before tackling the content of the lessons itself. This is especially true for Minna no Nihongo, whose main textbook only features Japanese (the translation comes in a separate workbook).
- Second, even though some activities are designed to be done in a class environment, those books can also be used for self-study.
- Third, both series will go through the levels N5, N4, and N3 of the JLPT.
If both series target the same level, Genki is a steady beginner-friendly series: it will be harder to give up studying with Genki because the study environment is in English and it is easy to follow the flow of the lessons. The series also features both an app and online resources for self-studying so that's another big plus here.
On the other hand, Minna no Nihongo is more demanding: it features more lessons, more practice, and vocabulary. It is a great study tool for passionate people dedicated to learn and improve, especially with all the different workbooks available for people craving for more.
If Genki is already thorough, Minna no Nihongo pushes you even further. It can be offputting at first but you will get good results if you commit to it. However, it would be a mistake to think that it is harder to study using Minna no Nihongo rather than Genki: the approach is different. You learn Japanese by using Japanese in a Japanese environment.
Now, it is up to you to decide which one is the most suitable for you. If you have not made up your mind, you should consider the following:
- Why are you learning Japanese?
- What kind of learner are you?
- What do you want to do with it?
- How fast and how thoroughly do you want to learn it?
For your reference, sample pages are available on each product page for you to see which one will suit you best. Good luck with your Japanese studies!
If you have questions, please send us an email at help@omgjapan.com, please don't post questions in the comments, we're unable to reply there.
- Tags: genki minna no nihongo
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Comments 9
This review clarifies the significant ways in which the two sets differ. It was very useful.
Thank you! I started to show interest in MNN and I agree that their textbooks are more down-to-earth. Haven’t tried Genki yet, however. I’ll get to them soon!
Sakshi gupta
Ohh thanks alot..really helpful.
Tengo una duda y es que necesito saber mas o menos el nivel que equivalen las lecciones. Me iré a estudiar a Japón y me piden nivel antes de ir para saber en que clase meterme, me dicen el libro que utilizan para guiarnos en este caso es Genki 1 y 2, pero yo uso Minna no Nihongo y voy por la lección 12, por lo que no sé a que equivale con el que yo uso y por lo tanto no sé en cual meterme. ¿Alguien puede ayudarme? Gracias
Geachte mevrouw, meneer,
Bedankt voor deze duidelijke uiteenzetting.
Het beantwoord zeer zeker mijn vele vragen die ik had. Omdat beide series onder diverse benamingen voorkomen en diverse delen omvatten wordt het al snel verwarrend.
Uw opmerking omtrent de veronderstelling van enige voorkennis is een beetje ontmoedigend. Daarentegen aan het eind van de rit is er als vanzelf de kennis van Jlpt op meer dan voldoende niveau. Immers mijn doel is om vakliteratuur in het Japans te kunnen lezen. Het kunnen lezen ( en wellicht ook het schrijven) is voor mij dan ook van groter belang dan het spreken.
Misschien dat u nog een aanbeveling heeft om de nodige voorkennis, het zg. instapniveaunte kunnen bereiken. Het herkennen van kanji is er al een klein beetje. Hiragana en katakana, ik kan hier nu eigenlijk nog niet niet mee uit de voeten. Ik kan de handvaten nog niet vinden waardoor het eigenlijk op pure stampwerk aankomt. Kanji, het spreekt meer tot mijn verbeelding.
Vriendelijke groet,
Manisha Bhagat
Thanks for this article.. It gives a clarity for the use of both the books.
I’ve been going through MNN but when I look online for tips and advice while studying Japanese a lot of people refer / mention the genki textbooks. I appreciate this article for explaining the differences and I have enjoyed my experience with MNN so far. The university I attended used this series, and I can confirm it will help with all areas of Japanese.
William Peters
I totally agree. I started with Genki but moved onto MNN and have found it a far better experience. Perhaps that’s just because I prefer slightly dryer, more “textbook-y” textbooks. That being said if you’re going to go down the MNN route the workbooks are a must, as in all of them!
Thanks, Maxim, this article helped me a lot.