

Welcome to our redesigned shop! 6

We've redesigned our shop from the ground up. Improvements include:

  • Products have been reorganized into new categories
  • Search actually returns relevant results
  • Overall performance is much faster
  • Site is now much more mo,bile-friendly
  • New filters for language products--you can now filter by skill and level
  • More shipping rates and lower prices on shipping

We are also working to improve product descriptions and images, especially for Japanese language products.

If the activation link you received is no longer valid, you can just click Forgot Password during the sign-in.

We hope you enjoy the improvements!

Frequently Asked Questions

I can't access my order history. 
Unfortunately we were unable to migrate your order history to our new eCommerce platform, but you should have copies of your past orders in your mailbox.

I had accumulated Reward Points in your old shop. Can I still use them?
We still have the data for the reward points, so we are working on a plan to migrate them to your new account. We hope we can accomplish that some time this week. We'll post to our blog when we have a solution, so you can monitor this space.

The redesigned website has caused my wishlist to disappear. Is there any way to retrieve that information?
We still have the wishlist data, so we'll see if we can extract if for you. It may take a little time.


  • Max Hodges